The Link Between Perfectionism and Imposter Syndrome

Jan 04, 2024

Ever feel like you're not good enough, even when you've achieved success? You might be dealing with imposter syndrome, and it often goes hand in hand with being a perfectionist. Let's dive into how these two things are linked and how they can mess with your head.

Imposter syndrome is when you start doubting your own abilities, even when you've accomplished a lot. You might think you're just lucky or that people will find out you're not as good as they think you are. It's like you're convinced you're a fraud, even though there’s so much evidence that says otherwise. It’s usually associated with high achievers.

Being a perfectionist means setting super high standards for yourself and being really hard on yourself when you don't meet them. You can also place these really high expectations on others as well. It's like you're always chasing this perfect version of yourself that doesn't exist - someone who doesn’t make mistakes. And when you inevitably fall short of those high expectations, you feel like a fraud, i.e. imposter syndrome.

So, why do perfectionism and imposter syndrome go hand in hand? Well, perfectionists are always striving for this impossible idea of perfection. They work really hard to prove themselves and get validation from others. But no matter how much they achieve, they still feel inadequate. This constant need for validation just makes imposter syndrome worse because they never feel like they're good enough.

Plus, perfectionism often comes from deep-seated insecurities like fear of failure or low self-esteem. These feelings make it hard to accept praise or acknowledge your own success. Instead, you might downplay your achievements or attribute them to luck.

Breaking free from the grip of perfectionism and imposter syndrome isn't easy, but it's possible. It starts with accepting that nobody's perfect and that it's okay to make mistakes. Setting small goals and practising self-compassion are also key. And don't be afraid to reach out for support from friends, family, or a therapist or coach. Sometimes, just talking about how you’re feeling can make a world of difference.

In the end, perfectionism and imposter syndrome are like two sides of the same coin. They feed off each other, creating a cycle of self-doubt and insecurity. But by recognizing these patterns and taking steps to break free from them, you can learn to embrace your worth and celebrate your achievements, imperfections and all. It's all part of being human.

Take the Imposter Syndrome quiz here to see what kind of imposter you are!

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